Your advantages with
the assignment service.

Fewer Corrections of Individual Values

Depending on the contractual arrangement with the borrowers, our assignment service can significantly increase the realisation rates of the assigned receivables in the event of insolvency —from a few percent of the nominal volume of the assigned receivables to the usual values of 50% or more for factoring companies.

If you prioritise the use of our service here, we recommend that you make a forecast. In detail, it is about the following scenario: How many borrowers from the area of intensive care / credit prevention could default in the next 12 months? How much potential for savings arises for the correction of individual values if an additional 30% of the assigned receivables portfolio could be used?

Better Credit Decisions

Credit decisions or decisions to tolerate overdrafts gain in quality as the available information becomes more up-to-date. During the crisis, the report from the previous quarter is only of limited value and the company’s statements on the current turnover development are hardly verifiable.

By means of our application, you gain insight into the turnover development and do not have to wait for the delayed preparation of business analysis papers or other documents.

For IRBA Institutions:

In general, the conditions for use as collateral are met due to the secure receivables management and the timely liquidation options, provided that a credit institution uses its own IRB approach and applies permissible procedures to determine the credit risk associated with the debtors.

This way, you are able to fulfil the requirements as per Article 209 of the Capital Requirements Regulation (EU) No 575/2013. We can provide you with the necessary data for that purpose. If you are interested, we recommend that you check whether your own installation is an option for you.

Collateral in the StaRUG procedure

As of 1st January 2021, the option of a restructuring procedure outside of formal insolvency proceedings is in place (Act on the Stabilisation and Restructuring Framework for Companies – StaRUG). For this purpose, the ongoing monitoring of a stipulatory global assignment is of particular importance in order to help the borrower out of the crisis based on recent collateral data. Should the restructuring plan fail, losses can be reduced considerably if the lender has effective access to the assigned receivables. In any case, you actively shape the process with us.

In case a liquidation block takes effect, we create the prerequisites necessary to effectively monitor the activity of the borrowers —i.e. the debtors of the procedure— during self-collection.

We take you further
at fair conditions.

Our prices and fees are both fixed as well as based on the volume or —in case of a disclosure— on the respective debited amount. Here is an overview of our prices. For further details, please contact us by e-mail or phone:

Many years of expertise
you can count on.

The Zessions-Service GmbH symbolises many years of tried and tested experience in all aspects of the receivables management, implementation and valuation, and digital processes for financial service providers.

Moreover, we can draw on the know-how of one of the market leaders in the area of receivables management: As the chief shareholder, efcom gmbh encompasses 20 years of experience in software development and the design of efficient solutions for the receivables management in the financial sector. Meanwhile, the software is being used by 15,000 factoring clients on a daily basis with a yearly settlement volume of more than € 130 billion.

Why wait?

Assure yourself the deciding plus in transparency and security around your assignments.

Zessions-Service GmbH © 2021. All rights reserved.